Ketika saya bongkar-bongkar kamar saya di Pekanbaru, saya nemu buku-buku jaman SMA yang tampaknya lebih menarik daripada novel-novel saya yang baru saya beli di Jogja.
Bercanda XD
Tapi serius lho, saya ketawa-ketawa sendiri waktu baca tulisan-tulisan masa SMA saya.
Masa-masa itu #elusjenggot
Dan... saya menemukan dialog ini di buku catatan dan latihan Bahasa Inggris.
Radel: "Okay! This is it. My blood preasure has reached 200/90. I'm fed up with his attitude."
Hime: "Hey, calm down, dear. I'm sure that he didn't mean to do that."
Radel: "Didn't mean to do that? Oh well, just keep nurturing him." -->I don't even remember where did I find the word 'nurturing'.
Hime: "I don't."
Radel: "Oh, it makes me calm."
Hime: "You know what? I'm very annoyed with your anger. I have to go meet up with Charisse. And you know, she never, ever, get angry to me."
Radel: "Sure. Your queen awaits."
Hime: "Okay then."
After Hime went for a moment, Harry came to Radel.
Harry: "I've just met your girlfriend."
Radel: "So?"
Harry: "No... she's just talked to me and blame you."
Radel: "It doesn't make sense to me."
Harry: "...and she thought that it would be nice if you stop getting angry to her."
Radel: "I didn't mean to..."
Harry: "...and I would like to tell you that you should blame her, because me and Hime are on your side."
Radel: "I'm really sorry. Could you tell her?"
Harry: "No. You should tell her by yourself."
Radel: "Okay. Then where's she?"
Harry: "There, with Charisse. Should I call her, or..."
Radel: "No, no, no, I will go there..."
Harry: "Well, then. I will..."
Suddenly, Josh came to them.
Radel: "What do you want?"
Josh: "Just..."
Radel: "You'd better come to me to explain about your attitude along this time, because if you won't..."
Josh: "I'd..."
Radel: "...then I am sure you will get..."
Josh: "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."
Radel: "...punishment, so that you understand what you've done, and..."
Harry: "Radel. HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU."
Josh: "Look, I'm sorry for all of my faults, fot not coming to our practice day, for making your authentic script lost, for always avoid you everytime I saw you, and for not listening for you in every practice."
Harry: "If you ask me, you'd better forgive him."
Radel: "Well that's great! You're brave to recognize your fault and ask for forgiveness to me."
Harry: "Hey, I have something to complain. Why do you forgive HIM easily, when I asked for forgiveness to you, you didn't aplogize me at that time?"
Radel: "Well, that's different."
* * *
Sorry for the grammar mistakes, if you see some.
Dialog diatas saya ketik ulang di notepad tanpa ada perubahan sama sekali. Kalian tahu apa? Saya tertawa terbahak-bahak membaca dialog ini.
Dari naskah awal, ada sedikit ralat dari guru saya, dan hasil akhirnya dinilai 'Very Good', pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2009, dan kalau saya tidak salah membaca kalender di komputer saya, ini tanggal 7 Agustus 2011.
Ya ampun, sudah dua tahun berlalu :D
FYI, nama-nama Radel, Josh, dan Hime saya ambil dari novel saya yang berjudul Hime no Yume yang saya bikin pas SMA.
Satu-satunya naskah novel yang berhasil saya selesaikan di SMA ._.
Oh, dan saya masih punya satu dialog lagi yang berhasil membuat saya tersenyum selama sepuluh menit.
Jason: "I definitely can't stand it!"
Jane: "What is it? It's already three o'clock and you are still angry?"
Jason: "I've made a great mistake!"
Jane: "What's the matter?"
Jason: "Sheila met me at the school park this afternoon, and..."
Jane: "Wait. She met you at the school park? When was it?"
Jason: "When you were eating your lunch at cafeteria."
Jane: "Okay then."
Jason: "And she asked me to be her..."
Jane: "Boyfriend? Oh, no. That's so terrible! And you said yes? Oh, no. That's so horrible!"
Jason: "Wait-a-minute. I haven't say anything."
Jane: "Oh? So, what happened exactly?"
Jason: "She asked me to be her partner at Physic Olympiad."
Jane: "And you accept it?"
Jason: "Nope."
Jane: "And know you regret it?"
Jason: "Yeah. I regret to say that I couldn't follow the olympiad. In fact, the winner of this competition will get an opportunity to go to Disneyland."
Jane: "Well, I think this is good for you. You must prevent yourself for always saying yes to all girls."
Jason: "What kind of friend are you? This is different, I said yes because they want me to be their boyfriend. They're cute!"
Jane: "That's the truth? That makes you become playboy."
Jason: "I love being it."
* * *
So, sorry again for the grammar mistakes... if you see those.
I mean, hello, Physic Olympiad? WTH were I thinking at that time?
And, for godness-sake, was there a Physic Olympiad that gave their winner a trip to Disneyland?
Tidak ada nilai untuk dialog ini, guru saya hanya memberi tugas untuk latihan.
I couldn't imagine how would she react when she read my assignment. -_____-"
7 Agustus 2011
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